Special Events

Whether you're here to seek enlightenment, connect with like-minded souls, or explore new paths, our events are designed to leave a lasting spiritual impression.

Upcoming Events

Join us for a meditative journey as we honor the Fall Equinox with a Labyrinth Walk. As the day and night come into perfect balance, this walk offers a unique opportunity to align with the rhythms of nature and reflect on the transitions in our own lives. Walking the labyrinth is an ancient practice, symbolizing the path to the center of our deepest self. With each step, you'll be invited to release, receive, and renew, embracing the energy of the equinox as we prepare for the quiet introspection of the coming season.

Join us for "The Common Ground of Inner Work," an interfaith dialogue where representatives from major religions come together to explore the shared pursuit of spiritual self-reflection. In this gathering, we’ll delve into how different faiths approach inner work—whether through meditation, prayer, or stillness—revealing common threads that connect us all. This isn’t just a discussion about spiritual practices; it’s a conversation about building a compassionate community, where our shared humanity transcends religious boundaries.

Join us for "Ask a Death Worker," an insightful Q&A panel offering a unique opportunity to engage with experienced death workers. This event provides a safe and open space to ask questions, share concerns, and learn about the compassionate support death doulas offer during the end-of-life journey. Whether you're caring for a loved one, planning your own end-of-life care, or simply curious, this panel will provide valuable information and heartfelt guidance. Reserve your spot today and be part of a meaningful conversation on death, dying, and the living we do along the way.

When Breath Becomes Air

Join us for a discussion of the short book "When Breath Becomes Air" by Paul Kalanithi. Led by Erin Bishop, one of Richmond’s experienced Death Doulas, this group conversation will explore the profound themes of life, death, and meaning presented in the award-winning memoir. Join us and share your thoughts, reflections, and questions in a welcoming environment, and connect with others on this deeply personal journey.

As we embrace this season and give thanks, join us for a special guided labyrinth walk focused on the transformative power of gratitude. Set amidst the tranquil beauty of autumn, this contemplative experience invites you to slow down, reflect, and cultivate a deep sense of appreciation for the blessings in your life.During this walk, we will explore the theme of gratitude, allowing it to fill our hearts and minds as we move through the labyrinth’s winding path. Through gentle guidance and mindful prompts, you’ll be encouraged to connect with the present moment, acknowledge the abundance around you, and express gratitude for both the simple and profound aspects of your life.

Welcome in the New Year with Kelley at The Innerwork Center during a transformational and restorative evening of sound meditation, intention setting and energy clearing. This particular session will focus on clearing and aligning all energy centers, with a primary focus on the Root Center for Capricorn Season. Capricorn energy welcomes a sense of ambition, discipline, sensitivity and practicality. Connecting with these energies can help strengthen and energize our visions, goals and dreams, while encouraging seriousness and honesty. When balanced, the Root Chakra provides a healthy sense of security, stability, groundedness and ability to withstand and work through any challenges that arise.

Keynote Speakers

For 30 years, we've welcomed acclaimed speakers, thinkers, and teachers to Richmond for our award-winning keynotes.


Alixa García - Imagination, Courage, and Enchantment in times of Planetary Transformation


Dr. Jill Carroll- Navigating Uncertainty: Ancient Wisdom for Today’s Challenges

James Baraz - Finding Joy in Tough Times

Dr. Chris Reina - Coming Together


Dr. Jim Gordon, Transforming Trauma

Kim Flournoy DiJoseph, Pain Points: A Trauma Transmutation Story

Rhonda Magee - Deepening the Work of Liberation for All: Reflections on the Inner Work of Racial Justice


Rabbi Rami Shapiro on “Becoming a Hidden Saint”

Barbara Fredrickson, The Goods on Everyday Love

Catherine Sanderson on “The Science of Resilience”


Frank Ostaseski, author of The Five Invitations

Melody Moezzi, author of The Rumi Prescription

Dr. Larry Ward, author of America's Racial Karma: An Invitation to Heal (out in Sept 2020)


Rabbi Michael Knopf, Dr. Jeremy Hoffman, Dr. Ram Bhagat, and Rachel Douglas on “We’re Evolving”

Dr. James Doty on “The Transformative Power of Compassion”


Dr. James Hollis on “What Matters Most”

Ruth King on “Mindful of Race”


Rabbi Rami Shapiro on “What’s Death got to Do with It?”


Kristin Kimball, author of The Dirty Life: A Memoir of Farming, Food and Love

Devdutt Pattanaik, popular TED Talk presenter

The Labyrinth

The Labyrinth. People in maze.

We offer guided experiences at the Labyrinth throughout the year on each Equinox and Solstice. Mark your calendar to join us on the Fall Equinox - Sunday, September 22 at 5:00pm.

Our labyrinth at Yaupon Place, on the city’s Northside, is open and available to all seeking a contemplative spot to walk mindfully and quiet the noise.

An ancient mystical tool, the labyrinth is a walking meditation used by many cultures and traditions around the world. Unlike a maze, there is only a single, clear path in and out. Walking through a labyrinth has come to symbolize the spiritual journey.