Words for the Journey
Welcome to the IWC blog—a space to nourish your journey of inner work and connection. Here, you’ll find Words for the Journey to inspire reflection, Words for the Journey is our series of monthly original essays sharing personal reflections on living a life of meaning, creativity, spirituality, and mindfulness. Inspiring, insightful, and informative, each essay is accompanied by thoughtfully selected images and quotes or poems. Writers include facilitators, special friends, and keynote speakers at The Innerwork Center.
Dancing Our Own Clock Dance
My wish is to slow my Clock Dance down before I’m gone with a pouf! I want to observe and experience my life. But how? Left to myself, I never think I do. Like Willa, I’m all awhirl, running, spinning. When I pause for meditation, at least my body is still.
Feeling Lonely? You're Not Alone.
Occasionally, I feel isolated and alone. I feel my “otherness” - that I am not like everyone else. I am different. I don’t belong. I’ve never thought of myself as a lonely person, but guess what? That’s the definition of loneliness.
Fear Can Be A Real Bear
Some of us live in an almost perpetual state of stress and anxiety, which wreaks havoc on our bodies and souls. How do we find calm and ease, and know that we can return to these states when necessary?
The More You Resist, The More It Hurts
In Full Catastrophe Living, Jon Kabat-Zinn shares seven pillars of a mindfulness practice: Non-judging, Patience, Beginners Mind, Trust, Non-striving, Acceptance, and Letting Go. Each of these pillars supported me throughout pregnancy and prepared me for the unexpected traumas of childbirth.
Is There an Ideal Age?
I turned 74 years old last month. How did that happen?
I recall a time someone asked me, “If you could be any age, what would it be?” I don't remember my answer but am relatively certain it was not 74. I remember wanting to be a different age....16 so I could get a driver’s license, 18 so I could graduate from high school, 22 so I could graduate from college and get on with life, and then 65 so I could retire…
Coming Home to Myself
At this time in my life, I'm feeling called to pay attention at a deeper level to “coming home to myself.” Coming home to oneself involves a consenting to be vulnerable, to be curious, to call forth the courage to risk exploration of the still unknown parts of ourselves.

Right Speech: A Mindfulness Practice
Over the past ten years, I have attended eight 10-day Vipassana meditation retreats. Vipassana means to see things as they really are. One of the requirements for participants in the retreat is to remain in Noble Silence until the ninth day, when you are allowed to engage in what the teacher likes to call “Noble Chattering.”

Weighed Down by Habits
I didn’t realize until I got here how rigid I had become due to this habit of fixation. Now I’m forced to ask: what other habits am I carrying around? How much of my daily life is spent habitually, in ways that aren’t helpful, and perhaps haven’t been for many years?

The Enduring Resonance of Being
I have realized that some of the most profound revelations in my life arose from observation of others’ actions rather than their eloquent dialogue or prose. There is just a different quality to the experience.

The Face of God
Recently, I was invited to a friend’s for lunch to meet her new granddaughter. When I arrived, eight-week-old Baby Maya was sound asleep, lying sprawled on Grammy Barb’s chest, heart to heart. Dressed in a pink and white striped top, black pants with flowers of all colors gaily spread across them. White anklets on her little feet.
How We Show Up for Life Matters
Even as a mindfulness practitioner, I still find myself from time to time, showing up stressed out, fearful, perhaps even with great doubt as a result of the pace of life and its challenges and threats. Or in moments of exuberance show up wondering ‘how can I make this last longer? how can I do this again soon?’
Who Am I Today?
It is a belief in the Buddhist tradition that we are brought to a given moment - to whatever is the Now for you- as a result of multiple causes and conditions, many of which have been beyond our ability to control.
Death & Genesis
What you believe happens when you die depends entirely on what you believe is happening while you are alive. While my understanding of such things is rooted in my contemplative practice, the language I use to articulate my understanding comes from the Hebrew Bible, specifically the Book of Genesis.

Learning to Love the Spoiled Brat
Recently, there was a thought-provoking interview with Matthieu Ricard, the French writer and Buddhist monk, on Krista Tippet’s radio show, On Being. A wonderful and wise teacher, he offered this reminder:

Something About Mary
This past March I went to a week-long silent retreat at a buddhist monastery in the wooded hills of West Virginia (yes, West Virginia). It is a beautiful, simple place. No talking unless absolutely necessary. Up at 5am for the first sit at 6. No food after noon.

Dipping into the Well
My journal may have saved my life. As a 22-year-old in my first job after college, living in an unfamiliar city, I found myself feeling trapped in circumstances that seemed devoid of meaning and human connection. My future life looked bleak, and I began thinking about ending it.