Happy August

Happy August! This poem was shared by our Executive Director, Rachel Douglas during one of our mindfulness orientations. It resonated with me and I wanted to share it with YOU - our community. Perhaps, you may sip a cup of tea or enjoy your morning coffee as you allow each word to permeate your spirit. Many new blessings during the month of August. - Felisha Jones

Dear You by Kaveri Patel

Dear you,
You who always have
so many things to do
so many places to be
your mind spinning like
fan blades at high speed
each moment always a blur
because you’re never still.

I know you’re tired.
I also know it’s not your fault.
The constant brain-buzz is like
a swarm of bees threatening
to sting if you close your eyes.
You’ve forgotten something again.
You need to prepare for that or else.
You should have done that differently.

What if you closed your eyes?
Would the world fall
apart without you?
Or would your mind
become the open sky
flock of thoughts
flying across the sunrise
as you just watched and smiled.


The More You Resist, The More It Hurts


“Forgiveness is giving up all hope of ever having a better past.” ~Lily Tomlin